1:1 Coaching

Working 1:1 allows for more of an in depth discussion about your personal situation, goals and needs when it comes to finding employment or figuring out a career change. Below is a list of services with which we tailor our coaching to you. Those services include employability tools and an actionable next step plan.

Coaching Services

General Services

  • Understand your transferable skills and how to apply them to new opportunities
  • Review job market for specific industries
  • Learn/optimize job search techniques including how to navigate job search sites
  • Create/update your resume
  • Create/update your cover letter template
  • Identify your professional references
  • Navigate and complete job applications
  • Develop/optimize networking skills and select groups/organizations to join
  • Review of common interview practices, mock interview questions, dress (what to wear), and follow up procedures
  • Understand how social media can be a tool for job search techniques
  • Create/update LinkedIn profile

Services for Foreign Workers

  • Understand the U.S. job market
  • Link your foreign skills to professional opportunities in a new market
  • Understand resume/cover letter/job application/interview practices in the U.S.

Services for Students

  • Select the right college and/or trade program
  • Transition from college to the workforce
  • Find an internship or student job

Pricing for 1:1 services is based on the needs of each individual and can be discussed after the initial free 45 minute consultation. Please see the contact page to book your consultation and find out more.

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